Your recording experience at Semitone will be completely built around your needs. Solo or band, we can help you capture your sound. We have three custom-built studios, all built with sound in mind. Our recording tools include:
- A huge array of mics for vocals and instruments
- An isolation area for vocals
- A baby grand piano for accomplished, detailed playing, an upright piano with character, and a digital piano which is MIDI-capable
- Mixing and mastering to the highest possible spec, whether it's totally acoustic or highly produced
For more information on recording sessions, please email info@semitonestudios.com

We think that recording your music should be an experience. When you make an enquiry, you will be placed with a sound engineer who can meet your needs who will help you prepare for the recording process. When you come in to record the day will be totally built around you and your music. When you hear the final product, you'll understand why we take the care that we do - and you will hear the difference that it makes.